SPLASH Ultra Lounge, Leather District

Second Stop, was SPLASH Ultra Lounge which at one point was News. My friends and I literally spent 6 minutes in this place...
We arrived around 11:15 PM, which is pretty early, so I won't hold the emptiness of the place against SPLASH. I think the ultimate conflict is that SPLASH has it's persona confused. While on the one hand, they try to maintain the reputation of being a sexy, exclusive, guest-list only club/lounge, on the other hand, they have half-naked waitresses serving cheeseburgers to its patrons. Basically, SPLASH = Estate + Hooters.
As far as the interior design is conc erned, SPLASH is very intimate. Considering how limited the space is, the club does a commendable job of designating sections - the bar, the lounge area, the dance floor, and of course the celebrated roof deck which I imagine is a hit in the summer time.
I think if you're in the mood to go fist-pumping with a bunch of Jersey Shore look-alikes but don't feel like going to a club, SPLASH is the perfect venue.
PS. There is a hidden washroom with bidets! That is definitely a plus in my book!
Theme Song (the song that perfectly describes the feel of the place): Memories by David Guetta
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