Whiskey Blue @ W Hotel, Lexington

For the first time in the 2 weeks that I have become a New Yorker, I felt in my own element when I arrived at the W on Wednesday evening. I don't know why, but the W and I get along very well. Have some crazy but great memories from the W in Boston. Looks like the relationship may continue in New York City as well...
I met up with an old friend at Whiskey Blue. As I had expected, the bar was infested with salt and peppers in their business attire enjoying mid-week drinks and checking out woman young enough to be their children, lovely. Haha.
The drinks were fantastic. Did I mention that I find drinks to be much stronger in New York City? Strange but makes the evening cheaper I guess! I definitely enjoyed my time here and see myself coming back here once again. Don't have much else to say because there's never anything bad to say about the W and its affiliates. All in all, I had a blast for the first time since I've been here. Wonderful drinks, great atmosphere, positive vibes flowing through the bar, and of course great company all summed up to a fabulous evening!

Theme Song: Tonight by Kaskade
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