Legal Test Kitchen, Seaport District

Oh man, it feels like I haven't blogged in forever. Well that's probably because I haven't. My apologies but I assure you, now that the weather is intended to get warmer, Flower will be back in action - in full throttle!
This past Friday, a few friends and I headed to the Seaport District for some apps and drinks. We arrived around 11:30ish expecting the area to be packed with Boston yu
ppies and SP's (salt and peppas!) NOPE! What a shocker that the Seaport was empty! Morton's closed their kitchen as well as stopped serving alcohol at 12. What kind of bull s^&t is that? It was FRIDAY NIGHT!
Ugh, anyway we then ventured over to Legal Test Kitchen - a branch of the celebrated Legal Seafoods chain. LTK was the only place that was serving anything after midnight. Thank goodness for that - we were starved.
LTK is a very chill, laid back restaurant/bar perfect for what we were looking for - a relaxed environment where we could eat and drink without anyone rushing us
out. We ordered nachos, rosemary parmesan french fries, grilled chicken burgers, and of course wines to wash down the munchies. :)
I dare not say anything bad about LTK as like I said, it was our only option in the area at that point in time. The atmosphere and decor are not bad. Anything with red makes me happy. The food was appropriate and pricing was reasonable as well.
If you go to the Seaport District on a Friday night after midnight and are starved, LTK is your best bet.

PS.. My friend is convinced that Tabatha from Tabatha Takes Over was there that night! Good thing I didn't recognize her - I would have been obviously horrified by her awful nose job and paper mache face!:O SCARY.
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